Specific Driving Games UI

Forza Horizon MFC

Forza Horizon MFC

General Driving UI

General Driving UI

General Driving UI

For Driving games, there are 3 Methods of Control :

Steering, Joystick 1 (bodypoint tracking) and Joystick 2 (old joystick).

3D Action games - specific UIs

Lego Avengers UI

Lego Avengers UI

Uses Old Joystick ONLY, position of triggers can be on the left or right

Rocket League Multiple Bodypoints UI

Rocket League UI where user may select a bodypoint for each control

Rocket League UI where user may select a bodypoint for each control

Rocket League MFC

Rocket League MFC

General 2D Side Scroller UI


No Method of Control option needed as move left and move right are controlled by virtual buttons

Batman UI

Batman UI

Methods of control - Joystick 1 and Joystick 2

Screenshot 2024-03-24 222920.png

Bodypoints UI developed by Team 18, opened when the user clicks Select Bodypoint